But how do I choose a color?

Some ideas to ponder...

1.) What are your favorite color(s)?

2.) Think of where you will display them. You don't want them to conflict with other surrounding colors.

3.) Do you prefer a single color banner with just a few contrasting accent stripes?

4.) Do you prefer a neutral color (white or black) with just a splash of color? White and black provide a strong backdrop to show off the colors. They also can provide good contrast between colors.

5.) The standard multi-colored banners look great in clusters. If you choose to get more than one, how will they look together?

This graphic of banners gives you an idea for some color combination options for the standard multi-colored banners. There can be a problem with so many options. For some it helps to narrow it down; for others it just adds confusion -- too many options! I hope this is a case where it helps. (The teal shows up as a light green in the illustrations but the fabric is a teal color.)